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歌手2017彭佳慧 《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》现场视频及歌词

日期:2017年04月06日 14:25 来源:网络 作者:xiaoxiao

歌手2017彭佳慧 《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》现场视频

歌手2017彭佳慧 《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》现场视频截图

    本周六晚(4月8号)晚,歌手2017第十二期半决赛节目中,彭佳慧大玩颠覆,不仅大秀“舞功”,更带来惠妮休斯顿的金曲《I wanna dance with somebody》,造型惊呆众人,爆炸头一亮相就引爆全场,更令同台的歌手们都直呼意外!除了选歌和表演掀起竞演高潮外,当晚彭佳慧的造型也惊爆众人眼球,其神秘隐藏多天的“爆炸头”终于出现,精心准备的造型让人直呼与惠妮休斯顿“神同步”,并大秀动感舞蹈,瞬间把现场变为演唱会狂欢气氛!一起来欣赏歌手2017彭佳慧 《I Wanna Dance With Somebody》现场视频吧!

 I Wanna Dance With Somebody歌词:

作词:George Merrill、Shannon Rubicam
作曲:George Merrill、Shannon Rubicam

Clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade,
Still enough time to figure out
How to chase my blues away,
I've done alright up to now
It's the light of day that shows me how
And when the night falls, my loneliness calls

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me

I've been in love and lost my senses
Spinning through the town,
Sooner or later, the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down
I need a man who'll take that chance,
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls,
My lonely heart calls

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody

Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me

Somebody who, somebody who,
Somebody who loves me yeah
Somebody who, somebody who
To hold me in his arms, oh
I need a man who'll take that chance,
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls,
My lonely heart calls

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody,
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody,
With somebody who loves me

Don'tcha wanna dance with me baby?
Dontcha wanna dance with me boy?
Hey, don'tcha wanna dance with me, baby?
With somebody who loves me

Don'tcha wanna dance, say you wanna dance
Don'tcha wanna dance,
Don'tcha wanna dance, say you wanna dance,
Don'tcha wanna dance,
Don'tcha wanna dance, say you wanna dance,
With somebody who loves me,


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